Saturday, October 16, 2010

Spotlight on Sarah Burt

Lets meet Sarah Burt. Sarah grew up in Salt Lake City, in an all girl family. She is the 2nd of 6 girls. Both she and her husband, Nathan, attended Olympus High. Although they attended the same high school they didn't meet until after his mission. He was a best friend's older brother. After Nathan received his Bachelor's degree they came to OSU for his Master's in Healthcare Management. The two year Master's program was followed by a 2 year fellowship with Ohio Health, and this year Nathan accepted a job at Grady Hospital as the Director of Support Staff Services. Fortunately for us, the Burt's decided to buy a home in the Lewis Center ward, they moved in this summer and are a great addition to our ward. They are the parents of four children (ages 8, 6, 3, and 5 mths.) If you haven't seen Sarah much its because she serves in the Primary presidency as the 2nd Counselor. When you do see her please take a moment to say "Hi" and Welcome, Burt Family!!!!

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