Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Welcome, Gina Williams!

Gina grew up in Salt Lake City/ Holladay, UT area. She is the 2nd of 6 kids in her family. Her father is a very talented musician and passed this on to his kids. Gina has played the violin in orchestras throughout her life and is also a skilled pianist. Gina attended Brigham Young University where she was able to do a Study Abroad in Jerusalem and graduated with her Bachelor's degree in Marriage & Family Studies. Gina served as a full-time missionary in the Bahia Blanca, Argentina mission. Upon returning from her mission she met her husband at BYU. After completing his Master's degree there they moved to Virginia where they lived for 3 1/2 years while he got his PHD in Statistics at Virginia Tech. For the past five years Gina and her family have lived just outside Albany, New York and recently moved here after her husband obtained employment with JP Morgan Chase. Outside of being a Mom to five kids (ages 9 1/2, 8, 6, 3, and 10 mths.) Gina enjoys cooking, baking, cleaning, decorating, scrapbooking, exercising, and being in nature. She also loves meeting new people and is interested in doing babysitting swaps with members in the ward. If you ever want to babysit swap don't hesitate to call her! We are so excited to have Gina in our Relief Society!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Spotlight on Sarah Burt

Lets meet Sarah Burt. Sarah grew up in Salt Lake City, in an all girl family. She is the 2nd of 6 girls. Both she and her husband, Nathan, attended Olympus High. Although they attended the same high school they didn't meet until after his mission. He was a best friend's older brother. After Nathan received his Bachelor's degree they came to OSU for his Master's in Healthcare Management. The two year Master's program was followed by a 2 year fellowship with Ohio Health, and this year Nathan accepted a job at Grady Hospital as the Director of Support Staff Services. Fortunately for us, the Burt's decided to buy a home in the Lewis Center ward, they moved in this summer and are a great addition to our ward. They are the parents of four children (ages 8, 6, 3, and 5 mths.) If you haven't seen Sarah much its because she serves in the Primary presidency as the 2nd Counselor. When you do see her please take a moment to say "Hi" and Welcome, Burt Family!!!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

LDS.org - Ensign Article - Our Responsibility to Be Worthy of Temple Worship

Sisters, I know it has been a challenge to do visit our sisters lately, with changing schedules, vacations, and the busyness of summer, it gets really hectic. Please make a special effort to visit this month and just let them know you care.

Visiting Teaching Message for August:
LDS.org - Ensign Article - Our Responsibility to Be Worthy of Temple Worship

Friday, July 9, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

Its the Ropers!

We are happy to welcome Wendy Roper and her family to our ward. Wendy was born and raised in Southern California. She has three brothers and two sisters. She met her husband John at BYU where she received her degree in Early Childhood Education. Before coming to Columbus the Ropers lived in California where John worked in finance for Disney. He now works at Cardinal Health in Dublin, OH. They have a five year old daughter, Natalie, and a two year old son, Henry. Wendy enjoys running (she has run 2 marathons), baking, and decorating. She also plays the violin. Lets give a warm welcome to Wendy and her family!!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Hello Sisters,

Tuesday’s Gardening class taught by Brother Tobler will be at his home at 6:30pm. Many of you may know Brother Tobler as an Emeritus Member of the 70 and current Sealer in the Temple, but what you may not know is that Brother Tobler is a master gardener who designed and is responsible for the landscaping and grounds at the Columbus Temple. He has also done the same with his beautiful home and gardens off Olentangy River Road. He has now graciously invited all of us to come and learn in his very own laboratory. I hope you all can make it there Tuesday night, May 4th. Don’t forget a pen and paper as you learn fabulous tips about designing, growing, and arranging flower and vegetable gardens.

His Address:
8032 Wingate Place
Delaware, OH 43015

I have included a link to google maps below.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Welcome 'New' Sister Natalie Armstrong!

Help us welcome the newest member of our ward, Natalie Armstrong! Natalie was born and raised in a small town in Colorado. She was raised Methodist and has one brother and one sister. She was taught the gospel and baptized by her now husband, Alex. Since that time her sister has joined the church and been sealed in the temple and her parents are preparing to be baptized as well. Before becoming a full-time Mom to her son, Elijah (almost 4 years old), Natalie worked successfully in the field of Developmental Rehabilitation. Specifically, she helped individuals with mental and/or physical disabilities find and secure employment within the community. Natalie hopes one day to use her interest and knowledge in Nutrition to help children with disabilities. It won't take you long after being around Natalie to feel of her big heart and passion for life. Welcome to the Lewis Center Ward, Natalie!