Saturday, May 1, 2010


Hello Sisters,

Tuesday’s Gardening class taught by Brother Tobler will be at his home at 6:30pm. Many of you may know Brother Tobler as an Emeritus Member of the 70 and current Sealer in the Temple, but what you may not know is that Brother Tobler is a master gardener who designed and is responsible for the landscaping and grounds at the Columbus Temple. He has also done the same with his beautiful home and gardens off Olentangy River Road. He has now graciously invited all of us to come and learn in his very own laboratory. I hope you all can make it there Tuesday night, May 4th. Don’t forget a pen and paper as you learn fabulous tips about designing, growing, and arranging flower and vegetable gardens.

His Address:
8032 Wingate Place
Delaware, OH 43015

I have included a link to google maps below.,+delaware+ohio&fb=1&gl=us&hnear=&cid=0,0,11509147371235332975&ei=jRjcS_rXM4m49gTEwLGrBw&ved=0CAcQnwIwAA&hq=8032+wingate+place,+delaware+ohio&ll=40.18166,-83.054237&spn=0.013344,0.024247&z=15